Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics in Central River Region of the Gambia, West Africa from 1984 to 2017
Omar Ali Bah,
Tidiani Kone,
Sidat Yaffa,
Mamadou Lamine Ndiaye
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
13 March 2019
28 April 2019
4 June 2019
Abstract: This study is focused on land use and land cover dynamics observed in Central River Region. It aims to determine the direction and rate of change in land use as a means of assessing the impact of climate change in Central River Region (CRR) of The Gambia. Decadal satellite images were used to measure changes in land use and land cover from 1984 to 2017 using supervised classification. Eight land use and land cover types were identified and mapped in this study namely: Crop lands, Gambia River, Halophytic vegetation, Irrigated crops, Mangrove, Settlement, Shrub/Wood savanna and Wooded savanna. The areas of crop lands, halophytic vegetation and settlement expanded between 1984 and 2017. River Gambia, irrigated crops, mangrove, shrub/wood savanna and wooded savanna areas decreased during the same period. Transition to less savanna was higher than transition to more settlement. In addition, physicochemical parameters were analyzed during the rainy and dry seasons for correlation with climate data. Socioeconomic surveys based on structured questionnaires were also conducted with 70 households in 6 villages in CRR. Land clearing for agriculture, tree cutting for firewood and charcoal, settlement and livestock grazing were mainly cited by the respondents as the main culprit inducing land cover change in CRR. This study shows that deforestation and forest degradation are still in progress despite the implementation of a management plan for a full rotation. We therefore proposed best management practices in order to control the agricultural clearing of land in the region such as agricultural intensification and soil fertility improvement.
Abstract: This study is focused on land use and land cover dynamics observed in Central River Region. It aims to determine the direction and rate of change in land use as a means of assessing the impact of climate change in Central River Region (CRR) of The Gambia. Decadal satellite images were used to measure changes in land use and land cover from 1984 to ...
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Heat Transfer Analysis of Solar Fish Drying Machine on the Effects of Fish Mass and Blower Speed Variations
Mokhammad Fahmi Izdiharrudin,
Ridho Hantoro,
Selvy Uftovia Hepriyadi
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
18 March 2019
25 April 2019
4 June 2019
Downloads: 158
Views: 1324
Abstract: Traditional fish drying process still has not met the norm of food safety and health terms in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Therefore, it is necessary to design the technology of fish drying process efficiently for healthier food. This study carried out with the experimental and the simulation methods. The experimental study shows that the final moisture content of the fish is below 10% for 6 hours drying (from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) using solar fish drying machine. The simulation using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) conducted to gain deeper information of heat transfer phenomena. Steady state condition that utilizes momentum calculation, energy, continuity, and the radiation equation of S2S (Surface to Surface) modeled with the variation of mass of 2 kg and 5 kg. It found that 6 hours of irradiation for 5 kg of fish was not able to reach 10% moisture content. However, the 2 kg fish can achieve the expected moisture content with the efficiency of drying reaches 19% with a blower speed of 1500 RPM. The variations of 1500 – 1850 RPM blower show linear correlation to the efficiency of the solar drying machine. While, the highest efficiency was reached 23% and occurred at 1850 RPM of blower speed.
Abstract: Traditional fish drying process still has not met the norm of food safety and health terms in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Therefore, it is necessary to design the technology of fish drying process efficiently for healthier food. This study carried out with the experimental and the simulation methods. The experimental study sh...
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Simulation of a Hybrid Power Generation System (A Case Study of Oke Eda, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria)
Babalola Abayomi Danlami,
Akinponnle Ajibike Eunice,
Yakubu Anakobe Jimoh
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
15 March 2019
27 April 2019
12 June 2019
Abstract: Demand for energy is increasing day by day in our society due to increasing number of residence and industries. Meeting this demand has been a major challenge for utility providers (power providers) over the years, which crippled our economy in the power sector. This project presents a study and a deep exploit of renewable energy source such as solar, wind, biomass, and other forms of renewable energy. The design of a complete hybrid renewable power system model for day to day load demand of Oke eda in Akure city using Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) and MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks / Simulink, the sources of powers are photovoltaic (solar module) and diesel generator and the storage systems are batteries. The sizing, optimization and economic estimation of the model systems were performed using HOMER (hybrid optimization model for electric renewable) software and simulated using MATLAB. In addition, a comparison between the two different suggested power system configurations is illustrated in details. The control system handles the operations of the hybrid system by switching between the PV system and the diesel system and is intended to maximize the use of renewable system while limiting the use of diesel generator, which is allocated only when the demand cannot be met by the PV system. This project presents a review of renewable energy potentials in Nigeria to be tapped for useful and uninterrupted electric energy supply and provides a detailed analysis of the Quantum of electricity supply to Oke Eda, Akure and how to supplement for those lose hours in power supply (i.e. hours lost to power outage) via the combination of solar energy and diesel generator to augment for 20 hours of power unavailability in the community.
Abstract: Demand for energy is increasing day by day in our society due to increasing number of residence and industries. Meeting this demand has been a major challenge for utility providers (power providers) over the years, which crippled our economy in the power sector. This project presents a study and a deep exploit of renewable energy source such as sol...
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A Case Study of Biosurfactant Producing Bacterial Bloom from Oil Contaminated Sites After Flood in Kerala
Kizhakkeveettil Abdul Salim Nimsi,
Manzur Ali,
Muhseena Kallepadath,
Mary Romiya Roy,
Alna Kochupanikodath Roshna
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
11 March 2019
28 May 2019
18 June 2019
Abstract: Petroleum spillage around the world have played major role in generating the solid Wastes during the tanker accidents and stocking of crude oil. The ecology of hydrocarbon degradation by microbial populations in the natural environment is analysed, highlighting the physical, chemical, and biological factors that cause the biodegradation of petroleum and individual hydrocarbons. Therefore, the present study has shown that the indigenous Bacillus sp., isolated from the polluted study sample (Kochi) possessed the capacity to produce suitable biosurfactant. The effectiveness of the bioremediation mediated by the biosurfactant extract was studied by finding out the germination percentage of a fast growing leguminous plant (Pisum sativum). Therefore the findings of the study revealed that the bacillus sp., isolated from Kochi possesses remarkable oil degrading properties and can be effectively employed in the bioremediation of oil contaminated soils. It can be considered as one the effective clean-up technologies of the future.
Abstract: Petroleum spillage around the world have played major role in generating the solid Wastes during the tanker accidents and stocking of crude oil. The ecology of hydrocarbon degradation by microbial populations in the natural environment is analysed, highlighting the physical, chemical, and biological factors that cause the biodegradation of petroleu...
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ANN Analysis of Injection Timing on Performance Characteristics of Compression Ignition Engines Running on the Blends of Tropical Almond Based Biodiesel
Samson Kolawole Fasogbon,
Olusegun Oladapo Laosebikan,
Chukwuemeka Uguba Owora
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
20 March 2019
27 April 2019
20 June 2019
Abstract: In the present work, biodiesel prepared from Tropical almond oil (Terminalia Catappa) was used as fuel in C. I engine. Performance studies were conducted on a single cylinder four-stroke water-cooled compression ignition engine. Experiments were conducted for different percentage of blends of Tropical almond ester with diesel at different injection timings. Experimental investigations on the performance parameters from the engine were done. Artificial neural network (ANN) of back-propagation feed-forward Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was used to predict the performance characteristics of the engine. An ANN model was developed for the performance parameters. To train the network, blend percentage, percentage load and injection timings were used as the input variables whereas engine performance parameters (brake thermal efficiency, exhaust gas temperature, and brake specific fuel consumption) were used as the output variables. The obtained experimental results were used to train the network structure. Results showed very good correlation between the ANN predicted values and the desired values for various engine performance values. Mean relative error values were less than 10 percent which by many standards is acceptable. The results show that ANN is an accurately reliable tool for the prediction of engine performance.
Abstract: In the present work, biodiesel prepared from Tropical almond oil (Terminalia Catappa) was used as fuel in C. I engine. Performance studies were conducted on a single cylinder four-stroke water-cooled compression ignition engine. Experiments were conducted for different percentage of blends of Tropical almond ester with diesel at different injection...
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